Friday, February 21, 2014

Assigment #3

“Slowly blossomed, slowly ripened in Siddhartha the realisation, the knowledge, what wisdom actually was, what the goal of his long search was. It was nothing but a readiness of the soul, an ability, a secret art, to think every moment, while living his life, the thought of oneness, to be able to feel and inhale the oneness. Slowly this blossomed in him, was shining back at him from Vasudeva's old, childlike face: harmony, knowledge of the eternal perfection of the world, smiling, oneness”.
Siddhartha- An Indian Tale | Hermann Hesse
In this passage, Siddhartha wants to experience life by his own free will in order to comprehend the “beauty and ugliness” of life.  He states “through his own experience the importance and the meaning of it and the meaning of everything that exist in the world” which he’s implying only through experiences not from teaching of others. Furthermore, Siddhartha is influenced by Buddha teaching, but wants to follow his own path. This passage is important to me because as an individual, I believe we should strive to explore life on our own terms.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dada Manifesto

Dada comes from the dictionary. It is terribly simple. In French it means "hobby horse". In German it means "good-bye", "Get off my back", "Be seeing you sometime". In Romanian: "Yes, indeed, you are right, that's it. But of course, yes, definitely, right". And so forth”.
Dada Manifesto
by Hugo Ball
My understanding of these words from Hugo Ball, our world is full of multiplicity of different opinions and ideologies which makes our society a unique place to express ourselves while receiving some of degrees of an agreement and disagreement.  In the Dada Manifesto, I believe Hugo ball is justifying to his reader that one should to try to avoid a conflict or argument at all cost regardless of their differences. One can learn to have an open discussion with another by resolving their differences on particular subject. I chose this quote by Hugo Ball, because these words somehow resonate with my philosophy as individual of this society. I believe one should always try to resolves his/hers differences about how their views other opinions.

The Toads of Property (1920) by George Grosz
The Toads of Property (1920) by George Grosz

The Toads of Property is another controversial painting of George Grosz because it’s illustrates three influential business men calculating their wealth and dialoguing with each other while the least privilege men and women are surrounding  them for aide.  The least privilege men and women are soldiers, homeless children and women and those that have been affected by the War World I.  These three men around the table seem to be enjoying themselves, while their fellow country men and women are struggling. One the men around the table seems to be sporting a “Nazi tie pin” while his fellow colleagues finished their cigars.  My conclusion of this painting of George Grosz is “the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer”, because the beneficiaries of this portrait seems to be the top elite of the military and financial institutions are enjoying an extraordinary lifestyle while the poor are struggling .

Thursday, February 13, 2014

"The Eclipse of the sun," George Grosz, 1926

George Grosz, The Eclipse of the Sun, 1926
George Grosz was born in Berlin, Germany on July 26,1893. He’s a son of a pub owner and was encouraged by his cousin to pursuit an artistic career. He pursued an academic career at Berlin College of Arts and Crafts. He became a member of the Berlin Dadaist art movement. During November 1914 he enlisted himself for military service and  later discharge. George Grosz passed away on July 6,1959 from an injuries.
I chose this painting “the eclipse of the sun,1926” by George Grosz which is made out of Oil on canvas painting. My interpretation of this painting are greed, powerful interest, and corrupt institution. The two men on top right of this painting seems to indulging themselves into discreet affairs, by whispering into each other ears. These men around can be described as “robber baron” of whatever institution their representing. Finally, this painting can be an imaginary of Germany's political system or economic forum of leaders in public and private sectors.  


Saturday, February 8, 2014

German's economy

Germany is considered one of the world largest economy and Europe number one economy. The country has flourished throughout globalized economy and have tremendous influence on Global economy. Germany is home to major companies such as Volkswagen, Metro, Allianz, and Deutsche Bank. During World War II, Germany had gone through a rigorous structural and economical adaptation. According to CIA World Factbook, Germany have one of the best telecommunication systems with nearly 400 public and privately owned television stations.
Furthermore, since the reunification of Germany, its economy become more prosperous. Germany’s economy is based on three major sectors such as agriculture, industry and service. Germany’s industry produce “ the world's largest and most technologically advanced producers of iron, steel, coal, cement, chemicals, machinery, vehicles, machine tools, electronics, food and beverages, shipbuilding, textiles” according to CIA World factbook.

        Finally, Germany’s economy is one of the stable and powerful economies in the world. Germany annual Gross Domestic Product is nearly $3.167 trillion. It’s economy is “ the fifth largest economy in the world in PPP terms and Europe's largest- is a leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, and household equipment and benefits from a highly skilled labor force” according to CIA World factbook.




“Destiny of Christianity. -- Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the heart; but now it has first to burden the heart so as afterwards to be able to lighten it. Consequently it shall perish”.
From Nietzsche's Human, all too Human, s.119, R.J. Hollingdale

This quote according to Nietzsche is displaying that “Christianity came into existence” in order to admonish mankind about their lawful/unlawful acts towards one another. Christianity can help admirers to distinguish the good and bad in our society if, one is willing to uphold the truth.  But if admires don't follow the historical sacred text of Christianity it can lead to a path full of unhappiness and an immoral lifestyle.

I chose this quote because it’s interesting how Christianity is one of the oldest most sacred institutions in world history. Nietzsche, in my opinion seems concerned about the lifestyle of those during his lifetime and believes if one followed the ideology of Christianity it can help them make ethical decisions.