Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Toads of Property (1920) by George Grosz
The Toads of Property (1920) by George Grosz

The Toads of Property is another controversial painting of George Grosz because it’s illustrates three influential business men calculating their wealth and dialoguing with each other while the least privilege men and women are surrounding  them for aide.  The least privilege men and women are soldiers, homeless children and women and those that have been affected by the War World I.  These three men around the table seem to be enjoying themselves, while their fellow country men and women are struggling. One the men around the table seems to be sporting a “Nazi tie pin” while his fellow colleagues finished their cigars.  My conclusion of this painting of George Grosz is “the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer”, because the beneficiaries of this portrait seems to be the top elite of the military and financial institutions are enjoying an extraordinary lifestyle while the poor are struggling .

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