Saturday, March 8, 2014

“It's all a Swindle” (Alles Schwindel), by Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer (1931). 


German’s Version

“Bürger schwindelt,

Staatsmann schwindelt,

Schwindel, was die Zeitung schreibt,

Moral und Sitte,

rechts, links und Mitte!

Ehrlich ist, was übrig bleibt!

Alles sucht sich zu betrügen,

na, sonst mübt’ich wirklich lügen!

Bins, das kann ich glatt beteuern:

Könnt’ den Schwindel man besteuern,

hätt’ der Staat nicht Sorgen mehr,

denn dann wär’ er Millionär!

Alles Schwindel, alles Schwindel, usw”


English’s version


are magicians

who make swindles disappear

The bribes they are taking

the deals they are making

never reach the public's ear

The left betrays, the right dismays

the country's broke and guess who pays

But tax each swindle in the making

profits will be record breaking

Everyone swindles some

so vote for who will steal for you”.


          This art work of artists such as Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer make an excellent interpretation of how politicians behave in society. Politician will “say and do” anything to obtain a chance for power. For instance, politicians will orchestrate in his/hers rhetoric to woo their constituents in order to get elected by making “promises” that wouldn’t to be implemented.  According to the authors of this lyric, “Politicians are magicians who make swindles disappear” which is somehow true, because politician main objectives are to “win, win, and win election” and serve their “corporate interest” not their constituent interests. I chose this lyric, because this song is very relevant to what is going in today society. We have our member of all level of the Government branches, are being puppets of these “multinationals companies” and tremendous of influence their hold on our politicians is the highest peak of corruptions.


Paragraph 175:

"A male who commits a sex offense with another male or allows himself to be used by another male for a sex offense shall be punished with imprisonment. Where a party was not yet twenty-one years of age at the time of the act, the court may in especially minor cases refrain from punishment."

          According to this paragraph homosexuality is forbidden and one can be criminalize for participating in such act with one another. This law punished man by imprison them, because of their sexual pleasure; expect those who were under the age of twenty-one during the passage of this law.  This section can be related to our current subject of “Weimar Republic” because it’s explaining the controversial laws that were executed by Nazi party of Germany. The Nazi party outlawed anyone man who engaged in sexual act with another man. 


1 comment:

  1. i think this law is rather too HARSH. I believe no one should be discriminated. we are all different, hence we should accept each other differences.
