Saturday, March 15, 2014

"M" by Fritz Lang

“M” by Fritz Lang
The film “M” is deliberated as one of the fascinating movies of German expressionism. The creator of this film is a German expressionist movie producer called Fritz Lang. The theme of this movie is a mysterious child murderer called Hans Beckart; who has killed innocent young girls by being deceptive and somehow a pedophile. Hans Beckhart disgraceful actions have made his entire community alert because he couldn’t be trusted. As result, this effort led to a massive manhunt by angry parents and city residents, which he was forced to defend himself against the denunciations of his community. Thus, he claimed “I've done nothing to you!” which made parents more furious by his remarks.  Especially, in the scene where a little girl named Elsie Backmann is playing with her ball and she encountered her murderer Mr. Beckhart. Although, this scene was vague with so many shadowy backgrounds, it sparks an arousing moment. One can conclude Mr. Lang was using an expressionist tone for his audience by allowing the shadowy scene is unclear but yet create an interesting moment in the film by hearing Hans Beckhart’s voice in the background.

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