Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rosa Luxemburg, What Does the Spartacus League Want?

Rosa Luxemburg
What Does the Spartacus League Want?
“The World War confronts society with the choice: either continuation of capitalism, new wars, and imminent decline into chaos and anarchy, or abolition of capitalist exploitation. With the conclusion of world war, the class rule of the bourgeoisie has forfeited its right to existence. It is no longer capable of leading society out of the terrible economic collapse which the imperialist orgy has left in its wake. Means of production have been destroyed on a monstrous scale. Millions of able workers, the finest and strongest sons of the working class, slaughtered. Awaiting the survivors’ return stands the leering misery of unemployment. Famine and disease threaten to sap the strength of the people at its root. The financial bankruptcy of the state, due to the monstrous burdens of the war debt, is inevitable. Out of all this bloody confusion, this yawning abyss, there is no help, no escape, and no rescue other than socialism. Only the revolution of the world proletariat can bring order into this chaos, can bring work and bread for all, can end the reciprocal slaughter of the peoples, and can restore peace, freedom, true culture to this martyred humanity”.

          In this passage from what does the Spartacus League Want? By Rosa Luxembourg, he illustrates the impact of the war on Germany’s economy, political, and others institutions. The war had crumble lives of the elite and commoners by declining their wealth drastically. He states "With the conclusion of world war, the class rule of the bourgeoisie has forfeited its right to existence. It is no longer capable of leading society out of the terrible economic collapse which the imperialist orgy has left in its wake". Furthermore, this passage is relatable in today's society because America is engaged in "unconstitutional war" and as result millions citizen from all level of economic background by decisions of our politicians in Washington. Our government had spent billions of dollars to fight against terrorism and other radicals groups in order to secure its borders from any attacks. Although, America's economy compared to Germany's economy during the early 1900's was in better shape, but our working force such as the middle class was declining and our elites were hesitant to invest in our economy.

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