Sunday, March 30, 2014



“Every state must have the constitution of a free state. State parliament must be elected in a general, equal, immediate and secret ballot, in which all Reich German men and women participate, according to the principles of representative election. The state government requires the confidence of state parliament. The principles for the election of state parliament also apply for local elections. State law may determine if those who lived in the community for one year or less may participate in the election or not”.
           Article 17 lays a foundation for equality among German’s men and women to participate in election process. It recognizes individual rights to vote as long they are inhabitant of German. In addition, this article lays a foundation for democracy in Germany, where everyone has the right to elect their representatives. I agree with the principles of Article 17, because it lays a transparency foundation among German’s citizens and their governmental officials.  Any citizens of their representative nations should allowed their citizens to partake in democratic fair election to choose their senators, mayors, governors, presidents and other elected officials without being persecute or tormented for their political ideology.

Article 42
“The Reich President, when taking his office, swears the following oath: I swear to devote my energy to the welfare of the German people, to increase its prosperity, to prevent damage, to hold up the Reich constitution and its laws, to consciously honour my duties and to exercise justice to every individual. The addition of a religious formula is acceptable”.

          Article 42 demonstrates the protocol of what a “Reich President” must do before assuming that office. He/She must first take an oath by stating “I swear to devote my energy to the welfare of the German people” which is an influential declaration to their constituents by being an exemplar leaders and transparent government for the well-being of the Germany.  Although leaders such as president are “humans and not angels”, we can’t expect perfection from our leaders when we ourselves aren't perfect. We can hope our leaders to be a person of actions not just rhetoric, because we want our leader to succeed and by succeeding he/she can assure their constituent through Article 42.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rosa Luxemburg, What Does the Spartacus League Want?

Rosa Luxemburg
What Does the Spartacus League Want?
“The World War confronts society with the choice: either continuation of capitalism, new wars, and imminent decline into chaos and anarchy, or abolition of capitalist exploitation. With the conclusion of world war, the class rule of the bourgeoisie has forfeited its right to existence. It is no longer capable of leading society out of the terrible economic collapse which the imperialist orgy has left in its wake. Means of production have been destroyed on a monstrous scale. Millions of able workers, the finest and strongest sons of the working class, slaughtered. Awaiting the survivors’ return stands the leering misery of unemployment. Famine and disease threaten to sap the strength of the people at its root. The financial bankruptcy of the state, due to the monstrous burdens of the war debt, is inevitable. Out of all this bloody confusion, this yawning abyss, there is no help, no escape, and no rescue other than socialism. Only the revolution of the world proletariat can bring order into this chaos, can bring work and bread for all, can end the reciprocal slaughter of the peoples, and can restore peace, freedom, true culture to this martyred humanity”.

          In this passage from what does the Spartacus League Want? By Rosa Luxembourg, he illustrates the impact of the war on Germany’s economy, political, and others institutions. The war had crumble lives of the elite and commoners by declining their wealth drastically. He states "With the conclusion of world war, the class rule of the bourgeoisie has forfeited its right to existence. It is no longer capable of leading society out of the terrible economic collapse which the imperialist orgy has left in its wake". Furthermore, this passage is relatable in today's society because America is engaged in "unconstitutional war" and as result millions citizen from all level of economic background by decisions of our politicians in Washington. Our government had spent billions of dollars to fight against terrorism and other radicals groups in order to secure its borders from any attacks. Although, America's economy compared to Germany's economy during the early 1900's was in better shape, but our working force such as the middle class was declining and our elites were hesitant to invest in our economy.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

"M" by Fritz Lang

“M” by Fritz Lang
The film “M” is deliberated as one of the fascinating movies of German expressionism. The creator of this film is a German expressionist movie producer called Fritz Lang. The theme of this movie is a mysterious child murderer called Hans Beckart; who has killed innocent young girls by being deceptive and somehow a pedophile. Hans Beckhart disgraceful actions have made his entire community alert because he couldn’t be trusted. As result, this effort led to a massive manhunt by angry parents and city residents, which he was forced to defend himself against the denunciations of his community. Thus, he claimed “I've done nothing to you!” which made parents more furious by his remarks.  Especially, in the scene where a little girl named Elsie Backmann is playing with her ball and she encountered her murderer Mr. Beckhart. Although, this scene was vague with so many shadowy backgrounds, it sparks an arousing moment. One can conclude Mr. Lang was using an expressionist tone for his audience by allowing the shadowy scene is unclear but yet create an interesting moment in the film by hearing Hans Beckhart’s voice in the background.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

“It's all a Swindle” (Alles Schwindel), by Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer (1931). 


German’s Version

“Bürger schwindelt,

Staatsmann schwindelt,

Schwindel, was die Zeitung schreibt,

Moral und Sitte,

rechts, links und Mitte!

Ehrlich ist, was übrig bleibt!

Alles sucht sich zu betrügen,

na, sonst mübt’ich wirklich lügen!

Bins, das kann ich glatt beteuern:

Könnt’ den Schwindel man besteuern,

hätt’ der Staat nicht Sorgen mehr,

denn dann wär’ er Millionär!

Alles Schwindel, alles Schwindel, usw”


English’s version


are magicians

who make swindles disappear

The bribes they are taking

the deals they are making

never reach the public's ear

The left betrays, the right dismays

the country's broke and guess who pays

But tax each swindle in the making

profits will be record breaking

Everyone swindles some

so vote for who will steal for you”.


          This art work of artists such as Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer make an excellent interpretation of how politicians behave in society. Politician will “say and do” anything to obtain a chance for power. For instance, politicians will orchestrate in his/hers rhetoric to woo their constituents in order to get elected by making “promises” that wouldn’t to be implemented.  According to the authors of this lyric, “Politicians are magicians who make swindles disappear” which is somehow true, because politician main objectives are to “win, win, and win election” and serve their “corporate interest” not their constituent interests. I chose this lyric, because this song is very relevant to what is going in today society. We have our member of all level of the Government branches, are being puppets of these “multinationals companies” and tremendous of influence their hold on our politicians is the highest peak of corruptions.


Paragraph 175:

"A male who commits a sex offense with another male or allows himself to be used by another male for a sex offense shall be punished with imprisonment. Where a party was not yet twenty-one years of age at the time of the act, the court may in especially minor cases refrain from punishment."

          According to this paragraph homosexuality is forbidden and one can be criminalize for participating in such act with one another. This law punished man by imprison them, because of their sexual pleasure; expect those who were under the age of twenty-one during the passage of this law.  This section can be related to our current subject of “Weimar Republic” because it’s explaining the controversial laws that were executed by Nazi party of Germany. The Nazi party outlawed anyone man who engaged in sexual act with another man. 


Monday, March 3, 2014

The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari

The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari
The film “The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari” is a somehow a good film. It is considered one of the very first horror films to be produced during the “German expressionist era”. The film is somehow ambiguous towards the ending. The scene, I found most compelling is when (Frances) being viewed as the only person fantasizing. He fabricates a delusional story to Dr. Cagliari and the men carried him to a confined area. I chose this scene because it provided a good humor even though it's somehow a little confusing towards the ending.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Assigment #3

“Slowly blossomed, slowly ripened in Siddhartha the realisation, the knowledge, what wisdom actually was, what the goal of his long search was. It was nothing but a readiness of the soul, an ability, a secret art, to think every moment, while living his life, the thought of oneness, to be able to feel and inhale the oneness. Slowly this blossomed in him, was shining back at him from Vasudeva's old, childlike face: harmony, knowledge of the eternal perfection of the world, smiling, oneness”.
Siddhartha- An Indian Tale | Hermann Hesse
In this passage, Siddhartha wants to experience life by his own free will in order to comprehend the “beauty and ugliness” of life.  He states “through his own experience the importance and the meaning of it and the meaning of everything that exist in the world” which he’s implying only through experiences not from teaching of others. Furthermore, Siddhartha is influenced by Buddha teaching, but wants to follow his own path. This passage is important to me because as an individual, I believe we should strive to explore life on our own terms.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dada Manifesto

Dada comes from the dictionary. It is terribly simple. In French it means "hobby horse". In German it means "good-bye", "Get off my back", "Be seeing you sometime". In Romanian: "Yes, indeed, you are right, that's it. But of course, yes, definitely, right". And so forth”.
Dada Manifesto
by Hugo Ball
My understanding of these words from Hugo Ball, our world is full of multiplicity of different opinions and ideologies which makes our society a unique place to express ourselves while receiving some of degrees of an agreement and disagreement.  In the Dada Manifesto, I believe Hugo ball is justifying to his reader that one should to try to avoid a conflict or argument at all cost regardless of their differences. One can learn to have an open discussion with another by resolving their differences on particular subject. I chose this quote by Hugo Ball, because these words somehow resonate with my philosophy as individual of this society. I believe one should always try to resolves his/hers differences about how their views other opinions.